4Ry’s Technologies & Applications

ChIPS Powers Efficient and Green Outdoor Appliances

4Ry Efficient Outdoor Appliances

Propane and butane are used in a variety of outdoor appliances: stoves, ovens, lanterns, and heaters. They are stored as liquids in pressurized bottles or tanks that are attached to the appliance. Once the valve releases the propane or butane, they become combustible gases. When ignited, the gases provide heat and light.

No More Heavy, Bulky Containers of Propane and Butane

Propane and butane bottles and tanks must be sturdy metal to withstand their own internal pressurization. Their weight and bulk is inconvenient for campers and backpackers.

While Charge Injection Precision Spraying (CHIPS) “Blue Flame” technology can power outdoor appliances using petroleum-based fuels, it also burns non-petroleum based biofuels. Biofuels have not generally been used with outdoor appliances and traditional technologies because they are not as combustible as propane and butane.

4Ry’s patented Spray Triode Atomizer imparts a negative charge to the biofuel. When it leaves the sprayer, each individual droplet is negatively charged. The current can be varied, which changes the size of the droplets. Charging droplets and reducing their size makes them more combustible. Biofuels can then have the combustibility necessary to power today’s outdoor appliances.

These fuels do not need pressurized metal containers. They can be stored and carried in lightweight snap-in, snap-out packets, which are more convenient than the traditional bottles and tanks.

A Greener Way to Burn

Propane and butane are refined from petroleum. Extracting, transporting, refining, and using petroleum and its derivatives impose well known health, safety, and environmental risks and hazards.

Biofuels are made from renewable plant and animal lipids and cellulosic biomass. They are renewable and avoid the environmental harms of extracting and refining petroleum. When derived from plants, until they are harvested those plants convert greenhouse gas carbon dioxide to oxygen. While burning plant-based biofuels, like burning petroleum products, produces greenhouse gases, the net impact is far less with biofuels.

ChIPS technology’s smaller, charged droplets also burn more completely than propane and butane, producing less environmentally harmful particulate waste.

An Easier to Use, Greener, Outdoor Appliance Technology

4Ry’s ChIPS allows outdoor appliances to burn biofuels, eliminating heavy, bulky, and dangerous metal containers of propane and butane. ChIPS technology with biofuels is more efficient and environmentally friendly than burning petroleum-based fuels, reducing both carbon dioxide and particulate waste emissions.